Christmas Glitter Wood Blocks, with Annette

This is a project which is courtesy of Haroldine (Be Creative Tape) and Deanna (Glitter Ritz), involving the glittering of four images cut with Sizzix Sizzlets. These will be attached to wood blocks to sit on your mantle, or to give as gifts to loved ones. When making these on your own, you can use them on a card. The images will be 2 ¾” square.

Dates: Saturday November 14, 2009

10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Wednesday November 18, 2009

10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Cost: $30.00

Bring: Your basic kit (no ScorPal), fine point tweezers, a scalpel or Xacto knife, and a large soft brush (to brush off glitter). If you have 12 mm Be Creative tape, please bring it, but I will supply that tape so do not purchase a roll just for the class. If you have a glitter magnet (the cloth for picking up glitter), PLEASE bring it but, again, I will have some available.

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